Holy, firstly held in the summer of 2008, has been an authentic “THE LOFT” style party from its birth,
organized by Macky, one of the legendary figure in the underground party scenes in Tokyo.
The party earned its fame by enormous advantage in sound,
generated by the vintage RANE mixing console and high definition B&W Speakers.
The huge archive of disco vinyls has no equal in the hood.
kzt is another heavy hitter, firmly established his reputation with his def groove with a bit of jazz thing.
Ohashi, rather well-known as a founding member of “Golden Misunderstanding” reputable dancers assembly,
spins afro-centric percussive tracks with out-of-box sticky groove.
salut, furiously endorsed and appreciated by a great deal of seriously maddest audience in Tokyo,
got his root in late 80’s Motown groove of Mike Banks, Mayday, Model500 and so on.
His freaky choice and mixing style are known to be Wild Style in Tokyo.
The Holy Quaternity would host an ahead-of-Sunday school for the holy missionary.
Out come the freaks y’all!!!
with flyer : ¥2000/ 1drink
at door : ¥2500/ 1drink